ADVANCED FILM & AUDITION COURSE with Jamie Harding starts 4th of September

Term 3 Dates 2023:
Term 4 Dates 2023:
Tyson Bickley
Enzo Cornejo
Riley Draper-Shaw
Florence Zhang Xiu Du
Joshua Elford
Nyunmiti Gibson
Amelia-Rose Gorski
Sarah Higgins
Akaldeep Kaur
Oscar Lubega
Isla Margaritis
Zoe Min O’Callaghan
Sadaf Najafi
Lily O’Toole
Spiridon ‘Dion’ Papazaharias
Tanu Reid
DJ Santos de Almeida
Hamish Skene
REPOST! Taryn Brumfitt of @bodyimagemovement –
Here’s the 18 kids you’re going to meet (and love) in Embrace Kids documentary. 10 more sleeps until the film releases in cinemas – Please make sure you see it on the big screen with your entire family – kids, parents, aunties and grandparents!
The conversations you’re going to have with kids after watching this film will help shape the world to be more inclusive, respectful and a kinder place to live.
#ihaveembraced #bodyimage #tarynbrumfitt #bodyimagemovement #embracekids #selfacceptance #love
Scheduled to start Monday 24th of October at Fullarton Park Community Centre from 6pm-9pm
This class is a must for anyone really wanting to nail a film or TV character & audition.
Tutor: Jamie Harding
Scheduled to start Tuesday 13th of September at Fullarton Park Community Centre from 6pm-9pm
This class is a must for anyone interested in starting their career in the industry and becoming familiar with working with a script and working in front of the camera, self-taping techniques and breaking down a script
Tutors: Angie Christophel, PJ Oaten, Jamie Harding and Nicole Schoen